Querying your graph database with Cypher: A beginner's guide

Have you ever wondered how you can extract valuable insights from your graph database? Have you struggled with constructing complex queries or finding the right data? If so, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll explore how Cypher, the query language used by Neo4j, can help you retrieve meaningful information from your graph database.

What is Cypher?

Before we dive into how to use Cypher, let's take a moment to understand what it is. Cypher is a declarative language that allows you to specify patterns of nodes and relationships in your graph database. It was designed to be human-readable and easy to learn, making it a popular choice for querying Neo4j.

Cypher provides a set of operators and functions to traverse and manipulate your graph data. At its core, Cypher allows you to match patterns in your graph, filter them based on conditions, and return the desired properties or relationships.

Setting up your environment

To run Cypher queries, you'll need a graph database at your disposal. If you don't already have one, you can download the free community edition of Neo4j from the official website. Neo4j is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux, and can be installed on your local machine or in the cloud.

Once you've installed Neo4j, you can start the server and access the browser-based Neo4j interface by navigating to http://localhost:7474 in your web browser. From here, you can create new nodes and relationships, explore the data, and execute Cypher queries.

Basic syntax and semantics

Now that we have our environment set up, let's take a look at some basic Cypher syntax and semantics. A Cypher query is composed of several clauses that describe what to match, filter, and return.

The MATCH clause

The MATCH clause is used to specify the pattern of nodes and relationships that you want to retrieve. It consists of one or more patterns separated by commas. A pattern can include labels, properties, and relationships.

Here's an example of a basic MATCH clause:


In this query, we're matching all nodes in the graph and returning them. Note that nodes are denoted by parentheses and can have labels (in this case, there are none). The RETURN clause specifies what to return from the query (in this case, the nodes themselves).

We can extend the query to include relationships and properties:

WHERE a.name = 'Alice'
RETURN a, b.name

In this query, we're matching all nodes connected by a FRIENDS_WITH relationship, where the source node has the name Alice. The WHERE clause is used to filter the results based on a condition (in this case, the name of the source node).

The RETURN clause

The RETURN clause is used to specify what to return from the query. It can include node or relationship properties, labels, or even aggregate functions.

Here's an example of a query that returns the names of all nodes with a "Person" label:

MATCH (p:Person)
RETURN p.name

In this query, we're matching all nodes with a "Person" label and returning their names.

The WHERE clause

The WHERE clause is used to filter the results based on a condition. It can include basic operators, logical operators, and functions.

Here's an example of a query that filters people based on their age:

MATCH (p:Person)
WHERE p.age > 30
RETURN p.name

In this query, we're matching all nodes with a "Person" label and an age greater than 30, and returning their names.

The CREATE clause

The CREATE clause is used to create new nodes and relationships in the graph.

Here's an example of a query that creates a new person node with a "name" property:

CREATE (p:Person {name: 'Bob'})

In this query, we're creating a new node with a "Person" label and a "name" property set to "Bob".

The DELETE clause

The DELETE clause is used to delete nodes and their relationships in the graph.

Here's an example of a query that deletes all nodes with a "Person" label:

MATCH (p:Person)

In this query, we're matching all nodes with a "Person" label and deleting them.

Advanced queries

Now that we've covered the basics, let's take a look at some more advanced queries that can help you extract valuable insights from your graph data.

Traversing the graph

One of the benefits of a graph database is the ability to traverse the graph to find related or neighboring nodes. Here's an example of a query that finds all friends of friends of Alice:

MATCH (a:Person)-[:FRIENDS_WITH]->(b)-[:FRIENDS_WITH]->(c)
WHERE a.name = 'Alice'
RETURN c.name

In this query, we're matching all nodes that are friends-of-friends of Alice, and returning their names.

Aggregating data

Cypher provides a variety of built-in aggregate functions, such as COUNT, SUM, AVG, and MIN/MAX, that you can use to summarize or group your data. Here's an example of a query that counts the number of friends for each person:

MATCH (p:Person)-[:FRIENDS_WITH]->(f:Person)
RETURN p.name, COUNT(f) as num_friends

In this query, we're matching all nodes with a "Person" label and returning their name along with the number of nodes they have a "FRIENDS_WITH" relationship to.

Combining queries

You can combine multiple queries using the UNION or UNION ALL clauses. Here's an example of a query that combines two queries:

MATCH (p:Person)
RETURN p.name
MATCH (p:Person)-[:WORKS_AT]->(c:Company)
RETURN c.name

In this query, we're first matching all nodes with a "Person" label and returning their names, and then matching all nodes that have a "WORKS_AT" relationship to a company node and returning the company names. The UNION ALL clause combines the two results into a single result set.

Using functions

Cypher provides a variety of built-in functions that you can use to manipulate or extract data from your nodes and relationships. Here's an example of a query that uses the substring function to extract a sub-string from a node property:

MATCH (p:Person)
WHERE substring(p.name, 0, 3) = 'Bob'
RETURN p.name

In this query, we're matching all nodes with a "Person" label and a name that starts with "Bob", and returning their names.


Cypher is a powerful and flexible query language that enables you to extract valuable insights from your graph database. By matching patterns of nodes and relationships, filtering based on conditions, and returning the desired properties and relationships, you can gain a better understanding of your data and make informed decisions.

In this article, we've covered the basic syntax and semantics of Cypher, as well as some more advanced queries that can help you explore and analyze your graph data. With a little practice and experimentation, you'll soon be able to write complex queries and extract meaningful insights from your graph database.

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